Inflationsausgleichsprämie während der Elternzeit
Der Ausschluss von Arbeitnehmern in Elternzeit von der Zahlung einer tariflichen Inflationsausgleichsprämie kann gegen das Willkürverbot verstoßen, so das Arbeitsgericht Essen in seinem Urteil vom
We advise you on setting up a company, changing its legal form, as well as on drafting company agreements
Our firm undertakes individual contract review and drafting for you in all areas of civil law.
Unsere Kanzlei bietet Ihnen ganzheitliche Unternehmensnachfolge-Konzepte, auch unter Einbezug der steuerlichen BeratungOur firm offers you holistic company succession concepts, including tax advice.
Our experts advise you on collective labour law, protection against dismissal law and lawful works agreements.
We advise you on the drafting of wills, corporate succession and inheritance law claims.
As your reliable partner, we draw up marriage and partnership contracts, divorce and contact agreements.
We represent you in problems with banks, funds or brokers.
Traffic accidents, motor vehicle damage or in the event of a misdemeanour – we are there for you.
In disputes with insurance companies, it is necessary to react quickly, especially in the case of liability, life or occupational disability insurance.
We are always at your side and focus on specific problem solving in company reorganisations and insolvency proceedings.
In the event of a serious case, we will provide you with comprehensive representation of your interests and defence with specific advice.
We take care of all aspects of claims for damages and restitution and are experts in banking and stock exchange law.
If you have any questions or enquiries, we are available daily from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Couldn’t reach us? Send us an e-mail:
Domstraße 2 · 97070 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 32937390
Telefax: +49 931 329373950
ConneKT 12 · 97318 Kitzingen
Phone: +49 9321 91820
Telefax: +49 9321 918220
Marktplatz 7 · 97941 Tauberbischofsheim
Phone: +49 9341 846870
Telefax: +49 9341 8468750
We are constantly active in advising entrepreneurs and companies on commercial law. Here, our tax and legal departments work hand in hand. We support you in the start-up phase of your company, in company acquisitions as well as in times of restructuring and in the handover to company successors or buyers. We will be happy to conduct the necessary contract negotiations with you and draw up articles of association, amendments to articles of association, contracts and final and takeover balance sheets. We check your contracts with clients, contractors, customers or suppliers for legal risks and prepare a legal and tax due diligence. We also prepare and implement changes in the legal form (GmbH, AG, etc.), mergers or company transformations.
Our work also includes the drafting and review of articles of association and advising and representing shareholders and managing directors in company law disputes or shareholder disputes.
Our many years of experience in the field of crisis analysis and corporate restructuring guarantee competent advice even in difficult times.
We offer the entire range of advice and activities in the field of commercial law. We examine the consequences of contracts, prepare the necessary legal steps to protect the law and carry them out.
Our activities also include the drafting of contracts. We draft and negotiate contracts in all areas of civil law, in particular in company law, commercial law, the law on contracts for work and services, commercial tenancy law, the law on the sale of goods and labour law.
Contracts are concluded (1) between several companies as well as (2) by them with consumers and, of course, (3) between consumers. Each of these constellations requires close attention to the relevant legal norms and an understanding of the economic context. We pay close attention to these requirements in order to draft contracts for you that implement your objectives.
Together with you, we design a future-proof and long-term plan for your company. It is not always best to carry on “as before”. In the course of a succession plan, it is worthwhile to reflect on existing structures. Even the tried-and-tested should be examined again and again for its future viability. This allows us to help you maintain stable structures and at the same time prepare your company for the future.
In addition, there is a risk in the case of company succession that high tax burdens may arise without careful planning. We check and optimise this possible consequence of a company handover for you. In our law firm, careful tax review always takes place in parallel with corporate law structuring. Therefore, we carry out your company succession planning in close and direct cooperation between the tax and legal departments in order to find the best way for you.
For us, labour law is an irreplaceable element and at the same time an integral part of our work.
Labour law regulates the legal situation between employer and employee, e.g. periods of notice, wages, holidays, etc. Our law firm is continuously active in all areas of this so-called individual labour law, especially in the sector of employment protection law.
In addition, we draft and review employment contracts, references, termination agreements, warnings and notices of termination.
The area of “collective labour law” deals with the legal relationship between employers and trade unions or works councils. In particular, the areas of works council elections, industrial action, etc. are covered here. However, regulations in the form of works agreements are also affected.
We are active in all areas, especially in protection against dismissal and in questions of collective labour law, both in an advisory capacity and in court. Furthermore, we structure and accompany – if necessary – conciliation board proceedings for our clients and draft and negotiate works agreements.
For us, it is part of our holistic advice to also address questions of social security and tax law as well as questions of company pension schemes.
In the field of inheritance law, we are particularly concerned with questions relating to the drafting of wills, the settlement of estates and the enforcement of claims under inheritance law. In each case, we seek an individual solution tailored to the specific case. Your interests are examined from all legal aspects.
We advise you on the drafting of all documents, such as wills, living wills, care directives, general powers of attorney, health care proxies, etc. Where notarial form is required, we work closely with experienced notaries. In cooperation with our tax department, we clarify and deal with tax issues.
After inheritance cases, we support our clients in the settlement of communities of co-heirs. Here, we always try to bring about a division by consensus and taking into account the interests of all parties involved. Legal proceedings are the last resort, which we only take if negotiations do not lead to a result. We also follow this philosophy when determining and enforcing claims to the compulsory portion or to a supplement to the compulsory portion.
Family law regulates the legal relationships of persons who are connected to each other by marriage, civil partnership, family and kinship and who often remain connected through common children. In this area, we always seek an optimal solution. We do not always see legal disputes as favourable – for us they are ultima ratio. Our primary objective is to achieve your result without litigation.
We are active in all areas of family law. The drafting of marriage contracts and divorce agreements is just as much a part of our field of activity as extrajudicial counselling and legal representation in divorce proceedings including all subsequent matters, in particular parental custody, rights of access, child and spousal maintenance, pension equalisation and matrimonial property law.
Our aim is to avert financial losses from our clients. We assert all positions, in particular claims for damages and restitution. The subject matter is in particular transactions with securities, funds, options and futures contracts, the area of investment brokerage and advice as well as action against improperly working asset managers.
We exclusively represent aggrieved investors against potential claimants, in particular investment brokers, asset managers, banks, fund initiators, etc. We do not accept mandates against aggrieved investors.
The intersection with capital investment law is banking and stock exchange law; thus, the representation of our clients against banks and financial service providers.
Here, too, claims for damages and restitution exist in many cases. Especially in the case of loan-financed capital investments, the question of the financing bank’s responsibility always arises.
Traffic law includes all regulations and laws concerning the transport of persons and goods on public roads. In particular, the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) and the Road Traffic Act (StVG). Legal regulations apply to driving motor vehicles as well as to pedestrians and cyclists.
We are here for you when it comes to settling accidents, damages and compensation for pain and suffering. We are also here for you when it comes to defending yourself in cases involving fines, in particular under the German Administrative Offences Act (OWiG) or questions relating to insurance law.
Anyone who takes out an insurance policy seeks financial protection in the event of a claim. However, insurance companies always check their obligation to pay benefits very carefully in these situations.
In the area of insurance law, it is often necessary to react quickly, especially when large amounts are involved in liability, life or occupational disability insurance.
Insured parties are often hung out to dry without legal assistance because insurers usually have their own highly qualified legal departments to represent the interests of the insurance company against you.
We are at your side here and help to enforce your claims – out of court and in court.
Every company in crisis has to deal with issues of reorganisation and insolvency law. Our main objective is always the reorganisation of companies instead of a complete liquidation. Here, we always keep the interest of preserving jobs in mind.
Regardless of whether insolvency proceedings are avoided by reorganisation or carried out for the purpose of reorganisation, it is of decisive importance to identify and solve the core problems of a company quickly and expediently. Only in this way can reorganisation and the long-term preservation of an economically viable company succeed.
Hardly any restructuring succeeds if the creditors are not involved in time. Therefore, we always maintain open communication with all sides. Based on this philosophy, we achieve economic results.
As a law and tax firm, we take on the representation and defence of clients in matters of commercial and tax criminal law. This includes representation in ongoing investigations and judicial criminal proceedings.
If there are facts relevant to criminal tax law, but criminal proceedings have not yet been instituted, we always first examine the possibility of a self-disclosure in order to avoid prosecution and prepare it.
However, the goal of everyone should always be to avoid economic and tax offences. Therefore, in any case of doubt, it is worthwhile to obtain legal advice in advance. We attach great importance to comprehensive clarification and forward-looking action. Frequently, timely enquiries with the tax authorities or obtaining binding information is the best way to avoid mistakes. To this end, we are always in close and trusting contact with our tax department.
Die wichtigsten Fragen rund um das Thema Steuerstrafrecht finden Sie hier.
We represent you in the collection and titling of your claims and consistently pursue claims from the first reminder to enforcement. With our technical equipment and searches in databases, we first obtain the necessary information, apply for default summonses and conduct court proceedings – also with our cooperating law firms throughout Europe and in the USA.
It is essential for us to check the prospects of success of any subsequent steps in advance with regard to the justification of the claim and the debtor’s financial situation. In addition, we also support you in the defence against claims that are asserted against you without justification.
Die wichtigsten Fragen rund um das Thema Forderungseinzug und -abwehr finden Sie hier.
Trust requires reliability and we guarantee that you can rely on us 100%. Digital or analogue, according to your wishes. We take the time and are happy to go the extra mile.
We fight for your cause! We assess your situation realistically and inform you about your options at all times and on a daily basis. You play an active role in determining the subsequent course of action. Our philosophy is to take a comprehensive look at your interests. In this way, we achieve holistic solutions through various specialist lawyers on the basis of comprehensive concepts and individual strategies.
In addition, we are your partner when cross-border legal matters are involved. As a member of EUROJURIS, the largest lawyers’ association in Europe, we have a network of 5000 lawyers worldwide fighting for your rights.
Gerne können Sie uns hierzu vorab kontaktieren, da dies variabel ist.
Vertrauen ist unserer Meinung nach das A und O. Sie sollten einem Rechtsanwalt vertrauen können und das Gefühl haben, dass er Ihre Interessen vertritt.
Unsere Anwaltskosten setzen sich aus verschiedenen Punkten zusammen. Gesetzliche Gebühren (RVG) oder Vergütungsvereinbarung nach Stunden oder Pauschalhonorar oder eine Mischung – je nach Absprache ist alles Möglich.
Ein Fachanwalt hat häufig mehr Erfahrung in einem bestimmten Rechtsgebiet und erfüllt die Voraussetzungen der Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO), die ihn berechtigen, den Titel zu führen – vergleichbar einem Facharzt.
If you have any questions or enquiries, we are available daily from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Couldn’t reach us? Send us an e-mail to:
Der Ausschluss von Arbeitnehmern in Elternzeit von der Zahlung einer tariflichen Inflationsausgleichsprämie kann gegen das Willkürverbot verstoßen, so das Arbeitsgericht Essen in seinem Urteil vom
Die Wirksamkeit eines privatschriftlich errichteten Testaments richtet sich nach § 2247 BGB. Danach kann der Erblasser ein Testament durch eine eigenhändig geschriebene und unterzeichnete Erklärung
Wenn Eltern zu Lebzeiten ihr Vermögen, wie Sparkonten oder Immobilien auf Kinder übertragen, wird als Ziel immer wieder genannt, die Werte „vor dem Sozialamt in
Hauser Schmidt-Sauerbrei & Dr. Pongratz
Partnerschaft mbB
Steuerberater Rechtsanwalt
Domstraße 2
97070 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 32937390
Telefax: +49 931 329373950
ConneKT 12
97318 Kitzingen
Phone: +49 9321 91820
Telefax: +49 9321 918220
Marktplatz 7
97941 Tauberbischofsheim
Phone: +49 9341 846870
Telefax: +49 9341 8468750
Phone: +49 931 32937390
Telefax: +49 931 329373950
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +49 9321 91820
Telefax: +49 9321 918220
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +49 9341 846870
Telefax: +49 9341 8468750
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +49 931 32937390
Telefax: +49 931 329373950
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +49 9321 91820
Telefax: +49 9321 918220
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +49 9341 846870
Telefax: +49 9341 8468750
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.